Identity theft has been a matter of concern for as long as anyone can remember. Sadly, technology has greatly contributed to the phenomenon, making it more common and more distressing than ever before. Millions of people fall victim to identity theft each year, with billions of dollars getting stolen from them in the process.
If you are looking for a reliable ID theft protection service that offers credit monitoring, PC software protection, public records monitoring, lost wallet protection, Identity theft recovery service and much more, then Identity Guard could be exactly what you need. If you are wondering if to consider it, here is their review of Identity Guard to help you make an informed decision:
Identity Guard ID Protection Review
Identity Guard ID Protection was created by Intersections Inc, which is one of the oldest ID protection service providers in the market. Although they offer protection to everybody, they are particularly known for servicing clients of the leading financial institutions in the world. Each year, they help to protect the identities of millions of people around the world.
Identity Guard Features and Services
Identity Guard offers online access to various credit scores and reports from all the leading credit bureaus. Also, it includes ID verification alerts, social security number monitoring, wallet protection, public record monitoring, antivirus, change of address alerts, black market personal details monitoring, credit application alerts, credit report information and analysis, password protection assistance, online financial tools and identity theft coverage.
However, Identity Guard ID Protection does not offer FICO score, the information most lenders consider when assessing credit eligibility. The credit scores from the leading credit bureaus are used for educational purposes only.
How Does Identity Guard ID Protection Work?
Identity Guard ID Protection is a subscription service that features both identity theft protection and credit monitoring. If your identity is compromised, identity guard can also recover your identity and even compensate you for the money and time lost. Customers must register with the service, have a credit card (or any other acceptable payment methods and verify their identity by providing their real names, physical address, age, and Social Security Number.
Is Identit
y Guard Really Worth It?
Out of the many different Identity theft ID, protection services are available in the market, Identity Guard is one of the best options. With a comprehensive identity theft protection plan, reasonable pricing and reasonable identity theft insurance coverage, choosing Identity Guard is a smart move.