Categories Employment

Various Ways to Stay Safe as an Overseas Filipino Worker

Working abroad is an excellent way to enhance your skills or acquiring new ones, making you more charming to employers and improving your CV. If you have decided to work abroad, then OFW Tips should help you to stay informed on many survival aspects. Whether you are staying for a short period or relocating permanently, make sure that the Philippines government has your data. Below are various ways to stay safe as an overseas Filipino worker.

Research more about the country

workersOne of the excellent ways to stay safe when working abroad is becoming familiar with the area you plan to live. For instance, if you are not careful, you might find yourself in areas that face civil unrest. On the flipside, you might move into an area with health risks without knowing. So do a proper research about the country that you intend to work in to be better prepared to deal with the risks and circumstances you might face.

Check public transportation

If you have the money to purchase a new or used car in the country you are moving to, then you don’t have to worry about the city transportation of the town you wish to live. However, you have to be very cautious not to cause accidents when driving yourself. Using the public transportation is a good way to stay safe. That aside, you have to know about the routes with the most pickpockets and those that are safe. It’s true that while the public transportation can get you from one place to another, but if you don’t know your surroundings then the chances are that you could end up being mugged.

Have a list of emergency contacts

When working overseas, another safety tip that you should put into consideration is having the emergency numbers in case you need urgent help. Do your research and find out where the Philippines embassy is located and their phone numbers. For extra security, you should check where the nearest hospital, police station, and health clinics are located. Having such information will put you in a better position when you find yourself in a crisis.

Master laws of social practices

Learn how to behave yourself abroad to stay safe. For instance, you have to know about the driving laws, public intoxication regulations, and dealing with the government officials. It’s worth noting that some social practices that are accepted in the Philippines might not be acceptable overseas, so you must educate yourself on the social norms to stay secure.

Blend in

happy workerBlending in as much as possible is among the top security tips when working in another country. This means that you should follow common social customs, dress like the locals, enjoy the local cuisine, socialize just to mention a few. Mixing with the locals is the only way to avoid pickpockets, robbers or situations that might endanger your life. Research more about the local life before moving to the area to work.

Without any doubt, working abroad will give you a memorable experience. You will have the chance to advance your career and networks. Keeping in mind the safety tips as discussed above is the best way to stay safe and secure.

Categories Entertainment

Best tips when hiring bouncy castles

Regardless of your location, you have to be careful when hiring a bouncy castle. There are important tips that you have to consider to ensure that you make the right choice as far as hiring the bouncy castles is concerned. Here are some of the tips to consider when hiring a bouncy castle.

Best tips

Tip one

bouncy castles

When hiring a bouncy castle, ensure you do so from a well-known company in your area. Do not take risks with the startups. One benefits of going for the well-known companies is that you will go for the experience. You will be able to talk to the previous clients who have used the service before. This is likely to either encourage you or dissuade you from looking for an alternative option.

Tip two

Secondly, ensure that the company has insured for the bouncy castle services and all the services offered. Since the bouncy castle is a high impact game it, the children are prone to incurring injuries. Ensure that the company is insured so that the parties are covered in the event of any eventuality.

Tip three

The contact of the company is also critical. Do they have a mobile number or a telephone? Having a fixed telephone number shows that the firm has a physical address from where they operate from. It is through the contact that you can know whether the company provides the services on a part-time or full-time basis. Make a point of visiting the company physically and talk to the management one on one. Ask all questions that you need clarity. If you are satisfied with their responses, you can go ahead and pay for the bouncy castle.

Tip four

How safe is the bouncy castle? Check a number of the sandbags or safety mats provided. This is one of the ways of ensuring that the bouncy castle is safe not only for you put your child as well. You can check the safety aspects of the bouncy castle by re-pegging the inflatable to ensure that it is usable and safe.

Tip five

bouncy castles

You can be able to tell whether a company is professional or not from the first impression. Using your instincts and looking at individual factors highlighted above, you can decide whether or not to hire a particular company. Look at how they deal with your inquiry whether you are looking for a high or small value hire. Look at other aspects like whether or not you will receive a confirmation call and whether they wear uniforms or not.

Categories Services

Tips For Choosing Document Shredding Services

There is a growing demand for paper shredding services. Ideally, this is attributed to the fact that most businesses do not want to let valuable business information to their competitors or to malicious third parties. As such, hiring or outsourcing document shredding services is a good way to ensure everything stays intact. Therefore, you need to ensure that you are working with a trusted shredding company. In case you are looking for a reliable shredding company, many factors should come into play when making your decision.

Tips to use when looking for a document shredding company

Referralsdocument shredding company

When looking for shredding, you would prefer working with a company that has been in this industry for quite some time. The best way to learn about existing shredders and the quality of their services is by using referrals for people that have use shredding services previously. The good thing with references is that they provide you with a trusted opinion, unlike using the company’s marketing campaigns.


Is the company you are about to choose certified? When looking for a shredder, it is imperative to ascertain if they have the relevant licenses and certification needed in this area. For instance, a company certified by the National Association for Information Destruction (NAID) should be well-placed to handle all your shredding needs. This is attributed to the fact that companies approved by this body must comply with a set of requirements before receiving this certification.


How secure are their operations? This question is answered based on some parameters. First, you should look at the quality of employees employed by the organization. This can be authenticated by looking at how the company hires its staff and their credentials. Also, you should also look at the quality of containers, seals, processes and machines used. You should be confident that the containers and the process used are capable of holding sensitive materials without being compromised.

Services offeredServices offered

When outsourcing document shredding operations, you should make an effort of looking at the services offered. For instance, you should consider whether the company provides onsite or offsite destruction services and their suitability to your situation. Moreover, you can also look things like emergency response or product destruction services.

You should be able to come up with a list of potential companies from the attributes highlighted above. From there, you can engage a shredding company and ask for more information about the nature of services they provide. This could be things like the technologies, strategies, tools and their professionalism. If you are confident and optimistic about their services, then, you should go ahead and hire them.